terça-feira, 18 de setembro de 2007

5th Annual Freddie Mercurys Montreux Memorial Day


5th Annual Freddie Mercurys Montreux Memorial DayOnce again the sun shone in Montreux for the 5th annual Freddie Mercury's Montreux Memorial Day. Fans from all points of the globe arrived for this meeting of old friends and with the prospect to make new ones. Italy was largely represented, with people from as far a field as Argentina, Japan, and North America and closer to home, Russia, Norway, Hungary and Czech Republic. Montreux was happy to welcome back friends from the UK, Scotland, Ireland, Belgium, Portugal, Spain, France, Germany, Austria, and Holland.

Esta é a noticia que está no site oficial - queenonline.com
E no nome dos paises representados lá está Portugal.
Foi maravilhoso.
José Pinto

1 comentário:

TeTe disse...

Foi realmente espetacular!
Quem le a noticia não sabe, mas nós sabemos que eramos nós que estavamos lá a representar o nosso País :)